Monday, May 7, 2007

The Day Before the Primary.......

From the moment I first filed for re-election for Mayor, I promised my family and everyone that was connected to my campaign that I would run with the dignity and respect that the office deserves. I have tried to speak directly to the issues and not the egos that have been connected to this primary race.

I had hoped, perhaps naively so, that this election would be like the past City Council district 3 and Mayor races I had run in previous years. My previous Mayors race against Mr. Scott Bevington in 2003 , while spirited was amicable. In the General Election against Mr. Bernie Crispin, was very friendly and we enjoyed appearing together to discuss our plans for the city and our viewpoints. Both Bevington and Crispin realized that campaigns do not need to be personal. It is my opinion that they were actually running to make a positive difference in their community, not to show everyone that they were "better then the Mayor" or settling a personal score.

I am proud to say I have kept that promise. Unfortunately, others connected to this primary election cannot say the same. I have had dozens of my yard signs stolen from their home and business owner approved locations. Some business owners that had asked for my signs have been harassed, threatened and coerced into removing my political signs. Numerous professionally made signs were placed in key positions throughout the city, including my residence in the dark of night stating "ANYONE BUT MAX!".

None of these tactics have deterred me from my campaign plan, which is to focus on the issues facing Connersville. Regardless of the outcome tomorrow, I can rest well knowing that I ran a positive campaign and did not resort to such juvenile tactics under the cover of darkness.

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