Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Less Then One Week To Go!

With only 7 days left to the primary election time is running short to get our message out. I have not been able to make BLOG entries as often as I would like due to the fact I have had a city to run! But be assured that there have been many things happening since my last entry.

First, good news from Washington D.C.! We have received news that our application to extend TAA services to displaced workers (not just Visteon, but others displaced due to foreign competition) have been approved. This is GREAT news for Connersville workers.

Second, I talked with a retail developer that is moving forward and anxious to start their plans to bring a retail complex to the North End of Connersville. Not going to happen you say?? Is happening I say!! Sorry Mr. Negativity but the plans for the new retail area are moving forward!!!!

Thirdly, we met with representitves of University of Michigan to help with our local jobs situation and how to improve expand our job attraction process. There will be several meetings with a number of individuals and groups throughout the community that will help to define our strengths and weaknesses and how to improve both.

All for now!

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