Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sign, Sign Everywhere A Sign......!

Several people have stopped and asked me "where are all your political signs?". The answer is, I have them, I just choose to honor the agreement made by the previous Central Committee Chairmen and wait 30 days prior to the election. Besides, just like everyone else, I get tired of seeing all the signs out in everyone's yards and properties. 30 days should be more then enough time for people to count how many signs a candidate puts out. Also, a political old timer once told me years ago, "signs don't vote!". Still some people think that signs are an important part of the political process. So you'll be seeing those ELLISON for MAYOR signs out the first week of April.

By the way, if you would like to have one of my signs, just let me know and I'll put you on my list of people wanting to support my campaign.

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